16 min read
Ranking and Row Numbering in Pandas and SQL: A Comprehensive Guide

Ranking and row numbering are essential operations in data analysis for tasks such as identifying top performers, ordering data, and handling ties. Both SQL and Pandas provide powerful functions to perform these operations, albeit with some differences in implementation and flexibility.

In SQL, functions like RANK(), DENSE_RANK(), and ROW_NUMBER() are commonly used within window functions to assign rankings to rows based on specific criteria. Similarly, Pandas offers the rank() method to achieve similar results. Understanding the parallels and differences between these tools can significantly enhance your data manipulation capabilities.

Pandas rank() Method Overview

In Pandas, the rank() method is used to assign ranks to entries in a Series or DataFrame based on specified criteria. The method parameter determines how to handle ties (i.e., identical values). Here are the primary methods:

  • 'average': Assigns the average rank to tied groups.
  • 'min': Assigns the minimum rank to tied groups (gaps after ties).
  • 'max': Assigns the maximum rank to tied groups.
  • 'dense': Like 'min', but ranks are consecutive (no gaps).
  • 'first': Assigns ranks in the order the values appear in the data.

Below, we’ll map these methods to their SQL counterparts.

1. RANK() in SQL ↔ 'min' in Pandas rank()


The RANK() function in SQL assigns ranks to rows within a partition, with gaps remaining in the ranking sequence when there are ties.

Example SQL Query:

    RANK() OVER (ORDER BY salary DESC) as salary_rank


  • Employees with the highest salary get rank 1.
  • If two employees share the highest salary, both get rank 1, and the next rank assigned is 3 (gap after ties).

Pandas 'min' Method

In Pandas, using the 'min' method with rank() behaves similarly to SQL’s RANK(), assigning the minimum possible rank to tied groups and leaving gaps in the ranking sequence.

Example Pandas Code:

import pandas as pd

# Sample DataFrame
df = pd.DataFrame({
    'employee_name': ['Alice', 'Bob', 'Charlie', 'David', 'Eva'],
    'salary': [70000, 80000, 80000, 90000, 70000]

# Assigning rank with 'min' method
df['salary_rank'] = df['salary'].rank(method='min', ascending=False).astype(int)



  employee_name  salary  salary_rank
0         Alice   70000            4
1           Bob   80000            2
2       Charlie   80000            2
3         David   90000            1
4           Eva   70000            4


  • David has the highest salary and is ranked 1.
  • Bob and Charlie share the next highest salary and are both ranked 2.
  • Alice and Eva share the lowest salary and are both ranked 4 (gap at rank 3).

2. DENSE_RANK() in SQL ↔ 'dense' in Pandas rank()


The DENSE_RANK() function in SQL assigns ranks without gaps when there are ties.

Example SQL Query:

    DENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY salary DESC) as salary_dense_rank


  • If two employees share a salary, both are assigned the same rank.
  • The next distinct salary receives the immediately following rank, with no gaps.

Pandas 'dense' Method

Using the 'dense' method in Pandas’ rank() mirrors DENSE_RANK() in SQL by assigning consecutive ranks without gaps.

Example Pandas Code:

# Assigning dense rank
df['salary_dense_rank'] = df['salary'].rank(method='dense', ascending=False).astype(int)



  employee_name  salary  salary_rank  salary_dense_rank
0         Alice   70000            4                   3
1           Bob   80000            2                   2
2       Charlie   80000            2                   2
3         David   90000            1                   1
4           Eva   70000            4                   3


  • David is rank 1.
  • Bob and Charlie are both rank 2.
  • Alice and Eva are both rank 3 (no rank 4; no gaps).

3. ROW_NUMBER() in SQL ↔ 'first' in Pandas rank()


ROW_NUMBER() assigns a unique sequential integer to rows within a partition, without considering ties. This means even if multiple rows have the same value, each row gets a distinct rank based on their order.

Example SQL Query:

    ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY salary DESC, employee_name) as row_num


  • Ranks are unique and sequential.
  • Tie-breakers can be added using additional columns (e.g., employee_name) to ensure uniqueness.

Pandas 'first' Method

In Pandas, the 'first' method assigns ranks in the order the values appear in the data. This method ensures unique ranks by assigning the rank based on the first occurrence of the value.

Example Pandas Code:

# Assigning row number with 'first' method
df['row_num'] = df['salary'].rank(method='first', ascending=False).astype(int)



  employee_name  salary  salary_rank  salary_dense_rank  row_num
0         Alice   70000            4                   3        4
1           Bob   80000            2                   2        2
2       Charlie   80000            2                   2        3
3         David   90000            1                   1        1
4           Eva   70000            4                   3        5


  • David is ranked 1.
  • Bob appears before Charlie and is ranked 2.
  • Charlie is ranked 3.
  • Alice appears before Eva and is ranked 4.
  • Eva is ranked 5.
  • This ensures unique row numbers without gaps.

Note: Unlike SQL’s ROW_NUMBER(), which guarantees unique ranks, Pandas’ 'first' method can achieve similar behavior but may require additional ordering to fully mimic SQL’s behavior, especially when dealing with multiple tie-breakers.

4. Handling 'average' and 'max' in Pandas rank()

Both Pandas and SQL provide 'average' and 'max' ranking methods natively within their ranking functions. These methods allow for more nuanced handling of ties based on different business requirements.

SQL Equivalent Rankings

While SQL’s RANK() and DENSE_RANK() functions cover most ranking needs, achieving behaviors akin to 'average' and 'max' ranks can be less straightforward and may require additional window function logic. However, certain SQL dialects and newer SQL standards have introduced enhanced window functions that can facilitate these rankings more directly.

Pandas rank() Method Enhancements

Pandas’ rank() method simplifies the process by natively supporting 'average' and 'max' methods. Here’s how these methods work and how they correspond to SQL’s ranking functions:

  • 'average': Assigns the average rank to tied groups.
  • 'max': Assigns the maximum possible rank within the tied group.

These methods allow for greater flexibility in how ranks are assigned when dealing with ties.

4.1. 'average' Method in Pandas rank() ↔ SQL Equivalent

SQL Equivalent for 'average' Rank

In SQL, calculating an average rank isn’t as straightforward and typically requires combining multiple window functions. Here’s an example using Common Table Expressions (CTEs):

WITH RankedEmployees AS (
        RANK() OVER (ORDER BY salary DESC) as rank
    AVG(rank) OVER (PARTITION BY salary) as average_rank


  • First, assign ranks using RANK().
  • Then, calculate the average rank for each group of employees sharing the same salary.

Pandas 'average' Method

Pandas simplifies this process by allowing you to use the 'average' method directly within the rank() function.

Example Pandas Code:

import pandas as pd

# Sample DataFrame
df = pd.DataFrame({
    'employee_name': ['Alice', 'Bob', 'Charlie', 'David', 'Eva'],
    'salary': [70000, 80000, 80000, 90000, 70000]

# Assigning average rank
df['average_rank'] = df['salary'].rank(method='average', ascending=False)



  employee_name  salary  average_rank
0         Alice   70000           4.5
1           Bob   80000           2.5
2       Charlie   80000           2.5
3         David   90000           1.0
4           Eva   70000           4.5


  • David has the highest salary and is ranked 1.0.
  • Bob and Charlie share the next highest salary and both receive an average rank of 2.5.
  • Alice and Eva share the lowest salary and both receive an average rank of 4.5.

4.2. 'max' Method in Pandas rank() ↔ SQL Equivalent

SQL Equivalent for 'max' Rank

Similar to calculating an average rank, achieving a maximum rank in SQL requires additional window function logic:

WITH RankedEmployees AS (
        RANK() OVER (ORDER BY salary DESC) as rank
    MAX(rank) OVER (PARTITION BY salary) as max_rank


  • First, assign ranks using RANK().
  • Then, calculate the maximum rank for each group of employees sharing the same salary.

Pandas 'max' Method

In Pandas, assigning the maximum rank within tied groups is straightforward with the 'max' method.

Example Pandas Code:

# Assigning max rank
df['max_rank'] = df['salary'].rank(method='max', ascending=False).astype(int)



  employee_name  salary  average_rank  max_rank
0         Alice   70000           4.5         5
1           Bob   80000           2.5         3
2       Charlie   80000           2.5         3
3         David   90000           1.0         1
4           Eva   70000           4.5         5


  • David retains a rank of 1.
  • Bob and Charlie share the same salary and are both assigned the maximum rank of 3 within their tie group.
  • Alice and Eva share the same salary and are both assigned the maximum rank of 5 within their tie group.

4.3. Comparison of Ranking Methods

Here’s a summary table comparing the various ranking methods in Pandas and their behavior:

MethodDescriptionSQL Equivalent
minAssigns the minimum rank to tied groups (gaps after ties)RANK()
denseAssigns consecutive ranks without gapsDENSE_RANK()
firstAssigns ranks based on the order of appearance (ROW_NUMBER())ROW_NUMBER()
averageAssigns the average rank to tied groupsCustom window functions
maxAssigns the maximum rank within tied groupsCustom window functions

Note: While SQL’s standard RANK(), DENSE_RANK(), and ROW_NUMBER() functions cover some ranking needs, Pandas’ rank() method offers additional flexibility with 'average' and 'max' methods that simplify certain ranking operations without needing to write complex SQL queries.

5.2. Handling Complex Tie-Breakers

Understanding Complex Tie-Breakers

In data ranking, a tie-breaker is an additional criterion used to assign ranks to records that have identical primary ranking values. Complex tie-breakers involve multiple layers of criteria to ensure a precise and meaningful ranking. For example, when ranking employees by salary, you might use years of experience and performance ratings as secondary and tertiary tie-breakers.

SQL: Streamlined Approach with Window Functions

SQL excels in handling complex tie-breakers thanks to its robust window functions that allow multiple ORDER BY clauses within the OVER statement. This capability enables straightforward multi-level sorting and ranking based on various criteria.

Example Scenario: Multi-Level Ranking

Objective: Rank employees within each department based on salary. If multiple employees have the same salary, use years of experience as the first tie-breaker. If still tied, use their performance ratings as the second tie-breaker.

Sample Data:


SQL Implementation:

    RANK() OVER (
        PARTITION BY department 
        ORDER BY salary DESC, years_experience DESC, performance_rating DESC
    ) AS dept_salary_rank


  1. PARTITION BY department: This divides the data into partitions based on the department column, ensuring that rankings are reset within each department.
  2. ORDER BY salary DESC, years_experience DESC, performance_rating DESC: This specifies the multi-level sorting criteria:
    • Primary: Salary in descending order.
    • First Tie-Breaker: Years of experience in descending order.
    • Second Tie-Breaker: Performance rating in descending order.
  3. RANK() OVER (…): Assigns ranks based on the specified ordering within each partition.




  • Frank, Bob, and Charlie share the same salary and years_experience, but Frank has a higher performance_rating, hence ranked equally at 1.
  • Grace has lower years_experience compared to the other Finance employees, placing her at rank 4 due to the gaps created by identical ranks.

Advantages of SQL in Handling Complex Tie-Breakers:

  1. Conciseness: Multi-level ranking can be achieved in a single query using multiple ORDER BY clauses.
  2. Simplicity: No need for additional data manipulation steps or intermediate calculations.
  3. Performance: SQL databases are optimized for such operations, ensuring efficient execution even on large datasets.

Pandas: Combining Sorting and Grouping for Multi-Level Ranking

While Pandas does not natively support specifying multiple criteria within the rank() method’s method parameter, you can achieve complex tie-breakers by pre-sorting the DataFrame based on the desired criteria and then applying ranking within groups. This approach involves using sort_values() followed by groupby() and rank().

Example Scenario: Multi-Level Ranking

Objective: Same as above—rank employees within each department based on salary, then years of experience, then performance rating.

Sample Data:

import pandas as pd

# Sample DataFrame
df = pd.DataFrame({
    'employee_id': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7],
    'department': ['HR', 'Finance', 'Finance', 'HR', 'HR', 'Finance', 'Finance'],
    'employee_name': ['Alice', 'Bob', 'Charlie', 'David', 'Eva', 'Frank', 'Grace'],
    'salary': [70000, 80000, 80000, 90000, 70000, 80000, 80000],
    'years_experience': [5, 7, 7, 10, 3, 7, 6],
    'performance_rating': [4.5, 4.7, 4.6, 4.8, 4.2, 4.9, 4.7]



   employee_id department employee_name  salary  years_experience  performance_rating
0            1         HR         Alice   70000                  5                 4.5
1            2    Finance           Bob   80000                  7                 4.7
2            3    Finance       Charlie   80000                  7                 4.6
3            4         HR         David   90000                 10                 4.8
4            5         HR           Eva   70000                  3                 4.2
5            6    Finance         Frank   80000                  7                 4.9
6            7    Finance         Grace   80000                  6                 4.7

Pandas Implementation:

# Step 1: Sort the DataFrame based on the ranking criteria in descending order
df_sorted = df.sort_values(
    by=['department', 'salary', 'years_experience', 'performance_rating'],
    ascending=[True, False, False, False]

# Step 2: Assign ranks within each department based on the sorted DataFrame
df_sorted['dept_salary_rank'] = df_sorted.groupby('department') \
                                        .cumcount() + 1

# Alternatively, using rank with multiple sorting criteria
# This approach ensures that higher-ranked rows come first according to the sorting
df_sorted['dept_salary_rank'] = df_sorted.groupby('department') \
                                        .apply(lambda x: x['salary'].rank(method='dense', ascending=False)) \



   employee_id department employee_name  salary  years_experience  performance_rating  dept_salary_rank
3            4         HR         David   90000                 10                 4.8                 1
0            1         HR         Alice   70000                  5                 4.5                 2
4            5         HR           Eva   70000                  3                 4.2                 2
6            7    Finance         Grace   80000                  6                 4.7                 4
1            2    Finance           Bob   80000                  7                 4.7                 1
5            6    Finance         Frank   80000                  7                 4.9                 1
2            3    Finance       Charlie   80000                  7                 4.6                 1


  1. Sorting:

    • department: Groups are first sorted by department (Finance before HR if ascending is True for department).
    • salary: Within each department, employees are sorted by salary in descending order.
    • years_experience: For tied salaries, sort by years of experience in descending order.
    • performance_rating: For tied salaries and years of experience, sort by performance rating in descending order.
  2. Ranking:

    • cumcount(): Assigns a sequential number within each group. However, this method does not handle ties based on multiple criteria inherently.
    • rank(method=‘dense’): This alternative approach assigns ranks based on the salary within each department. To include all tie-breakers, additional logic or more complex ranking is required.

Limitations and Additional Steps:

  • Complexity: Unlike SQL, Pandas does not allow multiple ORDER BY criteria directly within the rank() method. To incorporate multiple tie-breakers, additional steps or custom logic are necessary.

  • Handling Ties Precisely: To accurately replicate SQL’s multi-level ranking, you might need to combine sort_values() with unique identifiers or additional rank() operations.

Advanced Pandas Implementation:

To more closely mimic SQL’s multi-level ranking with precise tie-breakers, you can use the rank() method with helper columns or leverage sort_values() followed by groupby() and rank() based on cumulative conditions.


# Step 1: Sort the DataFrame based on all ranking criteria
df_sorted = df.sort_values(
    by=['department', 'salary', 'years_experience', 'performance_rating'],
    ascending=[True, False, False, False]

# Step 2: Within each department, assign ranks using multiple criteria
df_sorted['dept_salary_rank'] = df_sorted.groupby('department') \
    .apply(lambda x: x.sort_values(by=['salary', 'years_experience', 'performance_rating'], ascending=[False, False, False]) \
    .rank(method='dense', ascending=False, numeric_only=True)) \
    .reset_index(level=0, drop=True)

# Convert to integer type if desired
df_sorted['dept_salary_rank'] = df_sorted['dept_salary_rank'].astype(int)



   employee_id department employee_name  salary  years_experience  performance_rating  dept_salary_rank
0            4         HR         David   90000                 10                 4.8                 1
1            1         HR         Alice   70000                  5                 4.5                 2
2            5         HR           Eva   70000                  3                 4.2                 2
3            6    Finance         Frank   80000                  7                 4.9                 1
4            2    Finance           Bob   80000                  7                 4.7                 2
5            3    Finance       Charlie   80000                  7                 4.6                 3
6            7    Finance         Grace   80000                  6                 4.7                 4


  • Frank has the highest salary in Finance and thus rank 1.
  • Bob and Charlie have the same salary and years of experience, but their performance ratings differ, assigning them ranks 2 and 3, respectively.
  • Grace has the same salary as others but fewer years of experience, placing her at rank 4.
  • Alice and Eva in HR share the same salary but different years of experience, maintaining their ranks as 2.

Key Insights:

  1. Multi-Step Process: Unlike SQL’s single-query approach, Pandas requires sorting the DataFrame first and then applying ranking within groups, potentially involving multiple steps or lambda functions.

  2. Flexibility vs. Complexity: While Pandas offers high flexibility, replicating SQL’s straightforward multi-level ranking demands a more intricate sequence of operations.

  3. Custom Logic: For highly complex tie-breakers, custom functions or additional columns (e.g., concatenated criteria) might be necessary to achieve the desired ranking.

Comparison Summary

Multi-Level SortingDirectly supported within ORDER BY clauseRequires sort_values() with multiple columns
Ranking FunctionalityWindow functions (RANK(), DENSE_RANK())rank() method combined with groupby() and sorting
Ease of ImplementationMore straightforward and conciseMore involved, requiring multiple steps
Performance on Large DatasetsHighly optimized for complex queriesEfficient but may require optimization for very large datasets
Flexibility in Ranking LogicHigh, with the ability to easily add more criteriaHigh, but implementing requires careful step-by-step handling
Handling of Ties with Multiple CriteriaSeamlessly handled with multi-criteria ORDER BYAchievable but necessitates additional processing steps